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1 Thessalonicenzen 4:1

Voorts dan, broeders, wij bidden en vermanen u in den Heere Jezus, gelijk gij van ons ontvangen hebt, hoe gij moet wandelen en Gode behagen, dat gij daarin meer overvloedig wordt.

Herziene Statenvertaling*
Verder, broeders, vragen wij u en roepen wij u er in de Heere Jezus toe op, dat u, zoals u van ons ontvangen hebt hoe u moet wandelen en God behagen, daarin nog meer overvloedig wordt.

Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap 1951**
Nog niet beschikbaar

King James Version + Strongnumbers
Furthermore G3063 then G3767 we beseech G2065 you, G5209 brethren, G80 and G2532 exhort G3870 you by G1722 the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 that as G2531 ye have received G3880 of G3844 us G2257 how G4459 ye G5209 ought G1163 to walk G4043 and G2532 to please G700 God, G2316 so ye would ( G2443 ) abound G4052 more and more. G3123

Updated King James Version
Furthermore then we plead to you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as all of you have received of us how all of you ought to walk and to please God, so all of you would abound more and more.

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